RSF Avonmore End Of Term Concert — The Rhythm Studio | Academy of Music

RSF Avonmore End Of Term Concert

On Monday 27th November, we had our final workshop with Avonmore Primary School. During the course of the previous ten weeks, our tutors worked with Avonmore’s class of Year 4 pupils to prepare them for an end-of-term performance at their school. Over the term, one group learnt how to score-to-picture using Logic Pro on iMac computers and in pairs, created the soundtrack to a three minute clip from Disney’s Ratatouille. The pupils  had the chance to record their own voiceovers as well. The other group picked up some instruments - keyboard, bass, guitar and drums and vocals - and learnt to play two pieces of pop music to perform live at the concert. 

Students from Avonmore performing vocals at their end of term concert

The performance started with the Music Producers presenting their scored movie clips and explaining to the audience what they had enjoyed and learnt this term at The Rhythm Studio. After the video clips, pupils in the band took to the stage to perform two songs they had been working on to their parents, class mates, teachers and the Year 3 students who had been invited in to watch. The audience loved the performance calling for an encore at the end resulting in a second run through of Price Tag by Jessie J. 

Students used instruments such as Keys, Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Bass and Percussion to perform their tracks

We’ve loved working with Avonmore this term and hope to see some of these students at The Rhythm Studio in the future!